Additional file 4 of Extensive loss of Wnt genes in Tardigrada

  • Raul A. Chavarria (University of North Florida) (Creator)
  • Mandy Game (University of North Florida) (Creator)
  • Briana Arbelaez (University of North Florida) (Creator)
  • Chloe Ramnarine (University of North Florida) (Creator)
  • Zachary K. Snow (University of North Florida) (Creator)
  • Frank W. Smith (Creator)



Additional file 4: S2. Sources of sequences in phylogenetic analyses in this study. For sequences that are not available in GenBank, we provide a link to the source of the data, the ID of each sequence in the data set from which it was recovered, and each sequence. For the Wnt analyses, all sequences besides those from tardigrades and Euperipatoides kanangrensis were part of a previously published matrix [3]. GenBank Accession numbers for tardigrade Wnt and Frizzled sequences are available in Table 1.
Date made available2021

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