Experience of Violence in the Lives of Homeless Persons: The Florida Four City Study, 2003-2004

  • James D. Wright (Creator)
  • Jana L. Jasinski (Creator)
  • Elizabeth Mustaine (Creator)
  • Jennifer K. Wesely (Creator)



For Part 1 (Female Interviews), the data include information related to the respondent's living conditions in the past month, lifetime experience with homelessness, the respondent's partner, and living conditions as a child. There are also variables related to childhood experience with violence, experience with forced sexual situations, adult experience with violence, and basic demographic information. As well, there is information covering such areas as experience with stalking, self-image, use of alcohol and drugs, current health, and financial status. There is also a self-report of criminal history, information related to how the respondent spent her days and evenings, and the physical environment surrounding the respondent during the day and evening. Finally, there are a small number of questions answered by the interviewer regarding the respondent and the interview itself. For Part 2 (Male Interviews), the data include much of the same information as was collected in Part 1. Information from Part 1 not included in Part 2 primarily includes questions pertaining to experience with forced sexual situations and questions related to pregnancy and children.
Date made available2010
Date of data productionJan 1 2003 - Jan 1 2004
Geographical coverageOrlando

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