Additional file 7: Fig. S3. Phylogeny of ANTP Class genes. Maximum likelihood tree topology is shown. Bootstrap support values, out of 500 replicates, are shown above select branches, and Bayesian posterior probabilities are shown below these branches. He-UNPP is colored purple. The names of other sequences from our analysis of H. exemplaris nucleotide data are colored red. Black vertical bars demarcate ANTP gene families. Gray vertical bars indicate cases where it is unclear whether a H. exemplaris sequence belongs to a particular ANTP gene family, due to low phylogenetic support. An, anonymous sequence (see main text); Ct, Capitella teleta; Dm, Drosophila melanogaster; He, Hypsibius exemplaris; Hs, Homo sapiens.
Date made available | 2018 |
Publisher | figshare |