Adel El-Ansary

Professor Emeritus

Personal profile


Adel I. El-Ansary is the Donna L. Harper Professor of Marketing at the University of North Florida and Distinguished Fellow of the Academy of Marketing Science.  Prior to joining the faculty at the University of North Florida as the First Holder of the Paper and Plastics Educational Research Foundation Eminent Scholar Chair in Wholesaling, he served as Professor and Chairman of Business Administration at the George Washington University, Washington, D.C. Having lectured, consulted, and conducted research in over thirty-five countries across six continents; El-Ansary achieved the status of a global educator.


El-Ansary is a Fulbright Scholar. He received the State of Florida University System Professional Excellence Award in 1999 and was named Prime Osborne, III Distinguished Professor in 2002. He is co-author of the leading text-reference books on E-Marketing, 3rd and 4th editions, Prentice-Hall, 2003 & 2006 and Marketing Channels, 1st through 8th edition, Prentice-Hall, 1977 - 2015. He is a contributor to the Encyclopedia of Marketing, Encyclopedia of Economics, American Marketing Association Marketing Encyclopedia, the Logistics Handbook, and over thirty-five contributions to books and conference proceedings. El-Ansary’s research and writing contributed eighteen key articles published in major journal including the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing Channels, Journal of Retailing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Relationship Marketing, Journal of Macro Marketing, European Business Review, Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, and International Marketing Review.


El-Ansary was on leave from the University of North Florida 1995-1996 to serve as Chief of Party of International Business and Technical consultants, Inc. in Cairo, Egypt. He was in charge of all aspects of project management for the monitoring and evaluation of the Privatization Program of the Government of Egypt funded through technical assistance provided by the United States Agency for International Development (U.S. AID). El-Ansary served as team leader and project coordinator, implemented, or participated in over twenty government and international organization contracts and assignments including U.S. AID, the World Bank, and the Governments of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Kuwait, and Qatar. He served on Presidents’ Nixon and Ford national Advisory Council for the U.S. Small Business Administration. He served on a sub- Presidential Mission for President Reagan’s Caribbean Initiatives. The focus of the mission was on improving food distribution in Central America.

El-Ansary completed over sixty national and international consulting assignments and executive development programs for clients including the Jacksonville NFL Jaguars, Volvo Penta, Volvo Car Corporation, Northrop Corporation, Paper Corporation of America, Rotel International, IBM, Aluminum Association, Family Health Foundation of Louisiana, General Electric Information Services, and Saudi Arabian Airlines. He conducted over twenty-five executive briefings nationally and internationally and delivered over fifty speeches at major national and international business and academic conferences.


El-Ansary served on the National Advisory Board of U.S. Small Business Administration under Presidents Nixon and Ford, the Board of Director of the International Consultants Foundation, the Global Council of the American Marketing Association, Founder of the Special Interest Group in Wholesale Distribution and Co-Chairman of the Relationship Marketing Interest Group of the Academic Council of the American Marketing Association, and Member of the Board of Governors of the Academy of Marketing Science.

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