Gokan May

Assistant Professor

Personal profile


Gökan May is an Assistant Professor of Advanced Manufacturing at the University of North Florida, Editorial Board Member of the World Manufacturing Forum, and member of the World Economic Forum’s Expert Network comprising only select 3,000 leading experts from academia, business, government, and international organizations (https://www.weforum.org/people/gokan-may).


Dr. May excelled in several areas of data-driven innovation for advanced and sustainable manufacturing by being involved in numerous collaborative research initiatives building an extensive network of industrial and academic partners in the field and by publishing in high impact top journals on different subjects of data-driven engineering for advanced manufacturing including studies on manufacturing strategies, zero-defect manufacturing, and intelligent maintenance as growing trends in industry 4.0, and industrial energy efficiency toward a sustainable future. He published more than 60 journal papers and conference proceedings gathering ca. 2200 citations to date. Besides, he co-authored the annual World Manufacturing Forum report, which serves as a global benchmark in recommendations for the future of manufacturing, for six consecutive years (2018-2023). He also has a background in working with manufacturing SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) and supporting their adoption of Smart Manufacturing and Industry 4.0 technologies.


Recently, Dr. Gokan May has partnered with Microsoft, Purdue University and West Virginia University, to create a Smart Manufacturing Innovation Center (SMIC) under the auspices of the US Department of Energy (DoE), in partnership with CESMII - The Smart Manufacturing Institute. The SMIC will provide a portfolio of AI solutions for smart manufacturing to help a variety of industries and small-and-medium-sized manufacturers achieve new levels of efficiency, productivity, quality, and performance, while building resiliency in their supply-chain networks.


Prior to joining UNF, he has been involved in several EU-Funded Projects (H2020 & FP7) and in preparing new proposals for EC calls and received more than 3 Million Euros external funding (ca. $ 3.4 Million) between 2010 and 2019. Dr. May served as the project coordinator at Politecnico di Milano (2010-2015), and École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (2015-2019) for several funded projects in his research expertise areas. These projects include H2020 QU4LITY (https://qu4lity-project.eu/), H2020 BOOST4.0 (https://boost40.eu/), H2020 Z-BRE4K (https://www.z-bre4k.eu/), H2020 Z-Fact0r (https://www.z-fact0r.eu/), FP7 MAN-MADE, FP7 PLANTCockpit, and FP7 EMC2 Eco-Factory.


He received his PhD in 2014 (Summa Cum Laude), and MS degree in 2010 (with Highest Honours) in Industrial Engineering from Politecnico di Milano. During 2013, he worked as a Researcher at the Pennsylvania State University in the Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering.

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Education/Academic qualification

Industrial Engineering, PhD

… → Mar 2014

Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, Visiting PhD, Penn State University

… → 2013

Industrial Engineering, MS

… → Dec 2010

Textile Engineering, BS

… → Jun 2008

Mechanical Engineering, BS

… → Jun 2007