Personal profile


Dr. Michele Moore is Dean of the Graduate School at the University of North Florida. Previously she served as Professor and Chair of the Department of Public Health. She received her master’s degree and PhD from the University of Florida. During her 23 years at UNF, Michele has taught numerous undergraduate and graduate courses, served as the Master of Public Health program director, worked on federally funded grant projects, participated in community-based research and service, co/authored 44 peer reviewed articles and 109 professional presentations, and served on many university committees. She has received the UNF Distinguished Professor Award, Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award and Outstanding Faculty Scholarship Award, and was recognized as a University of Florida Outstanding Young Alumni. Her community work includes partnering with the Duval County Public Schools on a CDC funded grant to improve delivery of sexuality education and access to sexual health services for local youth, and with the Department of Health-Duval on a CDC funded grant to place UNF public health students in DOH internship and fellowship positions to improve the local public health infrastructure and ultimately the health of our region.

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Education/Academic qualification

Department of Health Science Education, Ph.D., University of Florida

… → 1997

Department of Health Science Education, M.H.S.E., University of Florida

… → 1993

Department of Psychology, B.S., University of Florida

… → 1991

External positions

Collaborating Research Scientist, Addictive & Health Behaviors Research Institute

Sep 2004Aug 2010


  • Public Health
  • Public Health Education and Promotion