Personal profile


Dr. Scott F. Jones is an ecologist seeking to understand ecosystems through a plant lens. How do ecosystems respond to the rapid pace of global environmental change? How do plants mediate ecosystem function and response? Dr. Jones addresses these fundamental questions using wetlands as model ecosystems, as they are globally threatened, are important players in the carbon cycle and affect climate, and require interdisciplinary approaches to understand. His work thus spans several fields, including biogeochemistry, plant physiology, hydrology, and soil science. Dr. Jones uses methods from these fields in manipulative experiments, field surveys, and modelling exercises. Through his federal agency experience, he is passionate about how these questions lead to action. Dr. Jones is also collaborative by nature, and has productive relationships with geneticists, modelers, and remote sensors.

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Education/Academic qualification

Environmental & Evolutionary Biology, Ph.D., University of Louisiana at Lafayette

2018 → …

Biology with Honors (Environmental Studies minor), B.S., Calvin University

2012 → …

External positions

Postdoctoral Research Associate, Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium

Jan 1 2018 → …

Biologist, U.S. Geological Survey

Jan 1 2018Jan 1 2022

Research Contractor, U.S. Geological Survey

Jan 1 2017Jan 1 2018


  • Biology