Case: Too Loud to Learn

Megan Elaine Lynch, Jennifer L. Cody, May Lee

Research output: Chapter or Contribution to BookChapterpeer-review


This case raises questions about expectations for student engagement and productive participation in science classes. Veteran kindergarten teacher, Melissa Perry, is new to phenomena-anchored, NGSS-aligned science teaching. During a sustained investigation on cockroaches as part of a unit on the characteristics of living things, Ms. Perry’s expectations for her students and her already established norms of traditional classroom discourse (turn-taking, raising hands, waiting quietly) came into conflict with the ways in which students were participating in the science investigation. As a result of this contradiction, tensions emerge when Ms. Perry co-teaches with an instructional coach during a science lesson. Questions about school culture, school-wide behavior plans, access to high-quality teaching/curricula in schools with majority-minority populations, and the character and quality of coaching are all present within the case.
Original languageAmerican English
Title of host publicationNavigating Elementary Science Teaching and Learning
Subtitle of host publicationCases of Classroom Practices and Dilemmas
EditorsSophia Jeong, Lynn A. Bryan, Deborah J. Tippins, Chelsea M. Sexton
PublisherSpringer International Publishing
Number of pages6
StatePublished - Sep 27 2023

Publication series

NameSpringer Texts in Education


  • elementary science education
  • case=based pedagogy for science education
  • reflections in case-based teaching and learning

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