Lois and Fran's Garden Adventure

Kristen Hicks, Amy Koch Johnson (Illustrator)

Research output: Book/ReportBook


“Lois and Fran’s Garden Adventure” is a new children’s book on the market, aimed to educate and encourage children to learn about gardening and the nutritional benefits of vegetables. Lois and Fran are two young girls who are excited to tour the reader around their mom's vegetable garden, exploring a wide variety of vegetables. While guiding the tour, the girls will discuss nutrition benefits from vegetables and explore the different types of animals that live in or near gardens. In this large-print paperback book, children will learn and be engaged as they explore their mom’s garden. At the end, children will get the opportunity to try some nutritious vegetable-focused snacks and dishes included in the healthy recipes section. This book also includes several pages of sticker-cutouts, which are available to use to reward your child as they try new vegetables! There are several pages of blank sticker-cutouts that allow parent and child to learn to draw some of their favorite vegetables that they eat. Hop along with Lois and Fran as they give you a tour of the garden!

Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - 2017


  • Juvenile literature
  • Cookbooks
  • Gardens
  • Food
  • Curriculum


  • Early Childhood Education

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