Solo Suite V, BWV1011/995: An amalgamation of Bach’s solo string suites for cello and lute, arranged for marimba.

Andrea Venet (Other), J.S. Bach (Composer)

Research output: Non-textual formatMusical scores and notations


This solo suite arrangement/transcription is a synthesis of J.S. Bach’s solo string suites BWV1011 and BWV995 for solo cello and lute. I have transposed and added extra harmonies, figuration and ornamentation from the lute version in G minor (BWV995) into the cello version (BWV1011). I have chosen to integrate and reference the lute version for two main reasons, with the first being that the lute, as a plucked, chordal instrument, has inherent characteristics in common with the marimba. Secondly, integrating harmonies and added contrapuntal lines into the cello suite has provided a more in-depth understanding of Bach’s intended character and compositional devices.

-Andrea Venet
Original languageAmerican English
Media of outputOnline
StatePublished - 2018

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