White Ranger for Solo Vibraphone + Percussion Quartet

Andrea Venet (Composer)

Research output: Non-textual formatMusical scores and notations


Commission created for Green Vibes Project 2019 for the
first commissioning cycle of The Green Vibes Project, started by Chase and Christine Banks in 2018. The Green Vibes Project inspires environmental awareness, discussion, education, and community through the performance and commissioning of new music.

Premiered by Chase Banks Mar. 24, 2019. www.greenvibesproject.org

The piece is written for solo vibraphone and percussion quartet. The percussion parts are scored for recycled materials which include glass bottles, scrap metal, brake drums, trash cans, an empty beer keg, and a brand new instrument I have created for this piece named the 'Lagerine'. Finding sounds and assembling the necessary instrumentation should provide a creative and fun project for performers.

Vibraphone, empty beer keg, 3 brake drums, 3 pitched Thai or DREAM Mbao gongs (C3, Eb4, Bb4), chimes, 2 metal cooking pans, 2 metal mixing bowls, 16" suspended cymbal, splash cymbal, 2 small lagerines, 4 tin cans, glockenspiel, bow, large plastic tub or metal trash, 4 glass bottles, 2 singing bowls G4, A4 or 2 gongs G3, A3, large Lagerine, 3 triangles, glass wind chimes, 2 semi-resonant metals, sizzle cymbal, large surdo drum, 1 sound plate, wind gong, tam-tam, medium lagerine, low octave crotales

Registered through ASCAP
Original languageAmerican English
Media of outputOnline
StatePublished - 2019

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