Spin–orbit coupling in surface plasmon scattering by nanostructures

  • D O'Connor (Contributor)
  • P Ginzburg (Contributor)
  • F. J Rodriguez-Fortuno (Contributor)
  • Gregory A. Wurtz (Contributor)
  • A. V Zayats (Contributor)



Supplementary Movie 1 Time evolution of the electric-field vector of the SPP wave propagating along the metal surface and polarizing a 60 nm diameter gold nanoparticle placed on the surface. A snapshot from this movie is presented as Fig. 1b. (MOV 2298 kb) Supplementary Movie 2 Variations of the wavevector spectrum (top) and corresponding real-space intensity distribution (bottom) of the SPP waves excited by a spherical Au particle for different orientations of the quarter waveplate with respect to a linear polarizer, controlling the ellipticity of the illuminating light. The waveplate axis orientation (in degrees) is indicated as a running number. LCP, linear p-polarised and RCP light correspond to 45° (and also 225°), 0° (and 90°, 180°, 270°, 360°), 135° (and 315°), respectively. Several snapshots from the movie are presented in Fig. 2e. (MOV 1860 kb)
Datos disponiblesnov 13 2014

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