Producción científica por año
Producción científica por año
Alison J. Bruey is professor of history and director of the International Studies program. Her research speciality is modern Latin American history. Her most recent book, the award-winning Bread, Justice, and Liberty: Grassroots Activism and Human Rights in Pinochet’s Chile (University of Wisconsin, 2018) examines the connections between human rights, neoliberalism, social movements and the organization of anti-regime protest in popular-sector Santiago. She is the author of scholarly articles on popular protest, neoliberalism and repression, public housing, and Cold War solidarity movements, and co-author of Tortura en Poblaciones del Gran Santiago (1973-1990) (Santiago: Corporación José Domingo Cañas, 2005/Biblioteca Nacional-Memoria Chilena, 2015). Her oral history work appears in The Chile Reader (Duke University Press, 2014), and she is a contributor to the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Latin American History. Her research interests include human rights and democracy; oral history and historical memory; social movements; Cold War politics and political cultures; post-conflict society; and environmental history. She has served on the council of the Latin American Studies Association's (LASA) Historia Reciente y Memoria section, and on the board of directors of the Urban History Association (UHA).
Bruey teaches graduate and undergraduate courses on Latin American history, Latin American film, history of human rights, historical research methods, interdsiciplinary international studies methods, and Latin America and the U.S. in world affairs for the Department of History, the International Studies program, and the Master of Arts in International Affairs program. She has led study abroad courses to Guatemala and Peru and has received the University of North Florida’s award for outstanding undergraduate teaching.
Spanish language and literature, Latin American Studies, BA, University of Minnesota Twin Cities
Latin American Studies, MA
History, PhD, Yale University
History, MPhil, Yale University
History, MA, Yale University
Producción científica: Book
Producción científica: Chapter › revisión exhaustiva
Producción científica: Article › revisión exhaustiva
Producción científica: Commentary/debate › revisión exhaustiva