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Dr. Christine Weber is a Professor in Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum at the University of North Florida instructing teachers in strategies for conceptual teaching and learning, assessment tools, and differentiated instruction. She is a graduate of Texas A&M University with a Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction. She has been a member of the Editorial Review Board for Gifted Child Today since 1998. She was the Principal Investigator for eight years for the Working on Gifted Issues Project, a grant project funded by the Florida Department of Education. Under her leadership, the Florida’s Frameworks for K-12 Gifted Learners was developed and disseminated to all school districts in the state. Dr. Weber has published numerous articles and presented at state, national, and international conferences. She served as the Representative Assembly for CEC-TAG, and Chair for the NAGC Professional Development Network. Her books with coauthors Boswell and Behrens include Differentiating Instruction for Gifted Learners: A Case Studies Approach and Exploring Critical Issues in Gifted Education: A Case Studies Approach with both receiving a Legacy Book Award nomination from the Texas Association for the Gifted & Talented (TAGT). She has also co-edited an NAGC series with Novak including Best Practices in Professional Learning and Teacher Preparation: Methods and Strategies for Gifted Professional Development (Vol. 1) and Best Practices in Professional Learning and Teacher Preparation: Special Topics for Gifted Professional Development (Vol. 2) and Best Practices in Professional Learning and Teacher Preparation:  Professional Devlopment for Teachers of the Gifted in the Content Areas (Vol. 3). Her most recent work with the NAGC LEAP Education Materials includes a guidebook on curriculum design for teachers of gifted and high-potential students and five education modules for curriculum design for teachers of gifted and high-potential students with co-author Emily Mofield. Currently, she is working on a second edition of Exploring critical issues in gifted education: A case studies approach. 

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Cuantificación de educación / académica

Curriculum and Instruction, PhD, Texas A & M University

… → 1989

Special/Gifted Education, MA, University of Southern Mississippi

… → 1984

Elementary Education Pre K-6, BA

… → 1982