Producción científica por año
Producción científica por año
Jennifer L. Lieberman is an associate professor of English at the University of North Florida (UNF) and the Director of the Office of Interdisciplinary Programs, overseeing Africana Studies, Interdisciplinary Studies, and International Studies. She is the author of Power Lines: Electricity in American Life and Letters, 1882-1952, which is now available from MIT Press and Amazon. If you are interested to hear about the book before you buy it or check it out from your library, you can listen to this Cultures of Energy podcast, where Dominic Boyer and Cymene Howe interview Jennifer about the book.
At the University of North Florida, Jenni was a 2016-2017 Community Scholar in the Center for Community Based Learning, as well as the 2017 Fellow for the Florida Blue Center for Ethics, and she earned UNF's Presidential Diversity and Inclusion Award in 2017 for her exceptional work in the classroom and community. The student honor society, Sigma Tau Delta, also presented her with an award for excellence in teaching in 2015, and she won a university-wide Outstanding Undergraduate Teacher award in 2018, as well as a university-wide Outstanding Scholarship Award.
Before she started this position, she completed her Ph.D. in English at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign in May 2011, when she graduated with distinction and with a minor in gender and women's studies. She also holds a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and a Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of Florida. From 2011-2013, she was a postdoctoral fellow in Cornell University’s Department of Science and Technology Studies (STS). An interdisciplinary scholar, Jenni has held fellowships at the Bakken Library and Museum, the Smithsonian Institution, the Illinois Program for Research in the Humanities, and the National Science Foundation. The research she conducted in these intellectual communities suffuses her teaching and her other scholarly endeavors. In addition to her book, her recent work can be found in venues ranging from Ralph Ellison in Context (2022), The Edinburgh Companion to Modernism and Technology (2022), Transatlantic Currents: Essays in Honor of David E. Nye (2022), The Routledge Handbook of Art, Science, and Technology Studies (2021), Science Fiction Film and Television (2018), Studies in the Novel (2017). JLS (the journal of literature and science, 2017), Configurations (with Ronald Kline, 2017), History and Technology (2016), The Eaton Journal of Archival Science Fiction (2016), MELUS: Multi-Ethnic Literature in the US (2015), in the collection of original work, Demands of the Dead: Executions, Storytelling, and Activism(University of Iowa, 2012), and in the Mark Twain Annual (2010).
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Producción científica: Book/Film/Article review › revisión exhaustiva
Producción científica: Article › revisión exhaustiva
Producción científica: Article › revisión exhaustiva