Julie J. Ingersoll

Professor, Religious Studies Program Coordinator

Perfil personal


I'm originally from Maine and I still spend a lot of time there.  If you know anyone from Maine you know that we remain "Mainieiacs" our whole lives.  I've lived all over the country but after college I moved to California, fell in love with it, and stayed there as long as I could (more than a decade).  In Jacksonville I live at the beach and enjoy fishing and kayaking whenever I can.




In addition to my academic work I also enjoy being engaged in contemporary issues that intersect with my research. My  work has been cited in the New Yorker, the Washington Post, New York Times, LA Times American Prospect, Ms Magazine, Salon.com, Beliefnet and The Nation. You can find my writing at Religion Dispatches and at Huffington Post  and you can follow me on twitter @julieingersoll

Documentos relacionados

Cuantificación de educación / académica

American Religious History and European Intellectual History, MA, George Washington University

Political Science, BA, Rutgers University

Religious Studies, PhD, University of California, Santa Barbara