Proyectos por año
Perfil personal
Dr. Kailan Sindelar is an Assistant Professor of Technical Writing at the University of North Florida. She completed her Masters of English with a Concentration in Technical Writing from UNC Charlotte and her Ph.D. in Rhetorics, Communication, and Information Design from Clemson University. Her research goals are to better understand and leverage environmental communication in emerging technologies to inform future designs through critical analysis, participant observation, and interviews.
Her recent scholarly writing includes an article that focuses on designing interactive media about wildlife and wilderness in the Journal of Environmental Media and a chapter that focuses on designing with care ethics in virtual reality in The Changing Face of VR, and several co-authored interdisciplinary articles on virtual reality and environmental psychology. Dr. Sindelar's other recent scholarly work includes digital projects. She recently completed working on two grant-funded projects: an augmented reality app and virtual reality app. Both projects included collaborating with colleagues in UNF's Biology department to support local audience education about saltwater intrusions, affected ecologies, and how they may respond.
Current, on-going projects that Dr. Sindelar is leading focus on user experience research. Collaborating with graduate students, these teams look to improve environmental communication in augmented and virtual reality. Besides collaborating with colleagues and students, Dr. Sindelar also enjoys teaching undergraduate and graduate courses on technical communication. Drawing from recent studies, well-cited literature, and her own experience as working as a technical writer, her courses include established and emerging genres of composition.
Documentos relacionados
Cuantificación de educación / académica
Rhetorics, Communication, and Information Design, PhD, Clemson University
… → ago 2022
English: Technical & Professional Writing Concentration, MA
… → may 2016
English Language & Literature, BA
… → may 2014
- 1 Activo
Water Stories
McCluskey, M. E. (PI), Leverette Hall, T. (PI) & Sindelar, K. (CoPI)
1/9/24 → 4/19/25
Proyecto: Research project
Communicating Increased Salinity in the St. Johns River
Sindelar, K., abr 16 2024Producción científica: Other contribution
Archivo -
Where Did You Want that Alligator? A Heuristic for Choosing Augmented or Virtual Reality for Environmental Communication
Sindelar, K., oct 28 2024, Proceedings of the 42nd ACM International Conference on Design of Communication, SIGDOC 2024. p. 228-233 6 p. (Proceedings of the 42nd ACM International Conference on Design of Communication, SIGDOC 2024).Producción científica: Literary contribution
A virtual reality investigation of factors influencing landscape preferences: Natural elements, emotions, and media creation
Yuan, S., Browning, M. H. E. M., McAnirlin, O., Sindelar, K., Shin, S., Drong, G., Hoptman, D. & Heller, W., feb 2023, En: Landscape and Urban Planning. 230, 104616.Producción científica: Article › revisión exhaustiva
Daily exposure to virtual nature reduces symptoms of anxiety in college students
Browning, M. H., Shin, S., Drong, G., McAnirlin, O., Gagnon, R. J., Ranganathan, S., Sindelar, K., Hoptman, D., Bratman, G. N., Yuan, S., Prabhu, V. G. & Heller, W., ene 23 2023, En: Scientific Reports. 13, 1239.Producción científica: Article