Kristi Sweeney

Associate Professor, Chair

Perfil personal


Kristi Sweeney, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor and the Director of the Sport Management Program at the University of North Florida, where she also serves as the Chair of the Intercollegiate Athletics Committee. Dr. Sweeney teaches sport finance, fundraising, facility management, and field experience courses. Her research interests include consumer behavior in professional sport, sport philanthropy, community-based learning (CBL), and women and diversity in sport. Her work has been published in outlets such as: Sport Marketing Quarterly, Case Studies in Sport Management, The International Journal of Sport Management. Her research and expertise in the area of sport consumer behavior have been featured and referenced in local, regional and national print, radio, and television news coverage, most notably ESPN and The New York Times.


Since joining UNF, sport management students’ engaged in community-based learning projects, under Dr. Sweeney’s direction, have raised over $200,000 for the Jacksonville Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) Annual Muscle Walk and have endowed the JT Townsend and Emanuel “Manny” Hernandez, Jr. Endowed Scholarships at UNF– awards given annually to a sport management student. Recently, she worked with students to create new the UNF Sport Industry Webinar Series. The series featured sport industry experts including Hue Jackson, former head coach for the Cleveland Browns and Oakland Raiders; Alvis Whitted, wide receivers coach for the University of Wisconsin and nine-year NFL veteran; Dan Edward, Senior VP of communications for the Jacksonville Jaguars; Harold Craw, General Manager of the Jacksonville Jumbo Shrimp; Tammie Talley, Athletic Director of Duval County Public Schools; and many more.




She earned her Ph.D. in Sport Administration from the University of New Mexico. During her time at UNM, she worked in the Lobo Athletic Department. Dr. Sweeney earned an M.A. in PE/Athletic Administration from Loras College and has a B.S. in Government/Political Science from Northwest Missouri State University.

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Cuantificación de educación / académica

Health, Physical Education, Recreation. Emphasis: Sport Administration, PhD

… → dic 2004

Physical Education and Athletic Administration, MA

Major: Government, Minor: Criminal Justice, BS