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Megan E. Lynch earned her PhD at The Pennsylvania State University in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis in Curriculum and Supervision in Summer 2021. She joined the University of North Florida's College of Education and Human Services in Fall 2021 as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow. Since Fall 2021, Megan has engaged in critical practitioner inquiry in collaboration with faculty, students, and school partners in both UNF’s Professional Development Schools and partner schools and the Urban Education Scholars Program. She held a dual-title in Fall 2022 - Spring 2023 as the Coordinator for the Urban Education Scholars Program. Currently, Megan is the Co-Principal Investigator and research lead on the five-year, 6.5 million dollar Teacher Quality Partnership grant, Project PREP: Partnering to Renew the Educator Pipeline.
Before joining the UNF faculty, Megan taught multilingual learners in the U.S. and abroad in early childhood and adult learning settings. Dr. Lynch is a teacher educator who has experience mentoring MATESL practicum students, supervising teacher candidates, teaching embedded field experience courses and seminars, and facilitating in-service teacher professional learning. She has taught educational foundations courses on teaching multilingual learners, language and power in the classroom, multicultural and urban education, and an introduction to the teaching profession. Her research draws on Critical Theory to better understand and shape the development of socially just pedagogies and political activism alongside teacher candidates, in-service teachers, and P-12 students through school-university partnerships. She is currently the Lead Associate Editor for School-University Partnerships and the Secretary/Treasurer for the AERA Supervision and Instructional Leadership SIG.

Cuantificación de educación / académica

Curriculum & Instruction, PhD, The Pennsylvania State University

… → 2021