Perfil personal


When I joined the UNF faculty in Fall 2010, I had already established mathematical problem solving as my research and scholarship line of inquiry. I am especially interested in how mathematical models affect the way learners of all ages comprehend and solve problems. The ways in which people represent their thinking during problem solving using different models fascinates me. As a result, my research includes the study of three types of models—mental, semiotic, and physical—and how the choice of model affects understanding and learning. By investigating the use of these models with different types of problems, I am learning how the choice of representation both supports and hinders problem comprehension.


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Cuantificación de educación / académica

College of Education, EdD, University of Central Florida

… → 2008


… → 2007

College of Education, PROTEACH Program, MEd, University of Florida

… → 1996

College of Education, PROTEACH Program, BAE, University of Florida

… → 1995