2018 Florida Data Science for Social Good - Annual Report

Producción científica: Other report


The Florida Data Science for Social Good (FL-DSSG) Program is a summer internship program that matches data science expertise with real-world problems in the public sector. During the 2018 program, the FL-DSSG supported stipends for 5 DSSG Interns, who worked 20 hours per week for 12 weeks and 3 DSSG interns, who worked 8 hours per week as well as registered for a Directed Independent Study course. Four non-profit organizations participated in the 2018 program: Baptist Health Y Healthy Living Centers (YHLCs), Family Support Services of North Florida (FSSNF), Girls Incorporated of Jacksonville (Girls Jax), and The Performers Academy (TPA). 
Idioma originalAmerican English
EstadoPublished - ene 31 2019


  • Business Analytics
  • Computer Sciences
  • Statistics and Probability
  • Social and Behavioral Sciences

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