Adolescent and Emerging Adult Perception and Participation in Problematic and Risky Online Behavior

Producción científica: Chapterrevisión exhaustiva


Advances in mobile technology have allowed young people to access social media regardless of time of day or geographic location. Communication and behaviors that once took place solely offline have shifted to online contexts. Research has found that viewing problematic media content related to risky sexual activity and drug use may change youths’ beliefs and behaviors about these issues. Because social media is popular with adolescents and emerging adults, we must evaluate how the content that they consume could be related to negative outcomes. By understanding the relation between young people’s social media content and their beliefs and behaviors, we can potentially use media as a tool to reinforce more positive behaviors.

Idioma originalAmerican English
Título de la publicación alojadaOxford Handbook of Cyberpsychology
EditoresAlison Attrill-Smith, Chris Fullwood, Melanie Keep, Daria J. Kuss
Número de páginas21
ISBN (versión digital)9780191851100
EstadoPublished - jun 7 2018
Publicado de forma externa

Serie de la publicación

NombreOxford Library of Psychology


  • Psychology
  • Developmental Psychology

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