Criminology and Social Science

Holly Ventura Miller, J. Mitchell Miller

Producción científica: Entry for encyclopedia/dictionary


Criminology is the systematic study of law making, law breaking, and law enforcing. Criminology is a social science emphasizing systematic data collection, theoretical-methodological symmetry, and the accumulation of empirical evidence toward the goal of understanding the nature and extent of crime in society. Rooted in the larger umbrella discipline of sociology, criminology is related to, but distinct from, the more applied field of criminal justice. The discipline of criminology offers a wide range of theoretical explanations for both individual criminality and aggregate-level crime rates and utilizes both quantitative and qualitative methodological approaches.
Idioma originalAmerican English
Título de la publicación alojadaThe Encyclopedia of Theoretical Criminology
EditoresJ. Mitchell Miller
Lugar de publicaciónChichester, West Sussex, UK
ISBN (versión digital)9781118517390
EstadoPublished - mar 26 2014

Serie de la publicación

NombreThe Encyclopedia of Theoretical Criminology


  • Social and Behavioral Sciences
  • Philosophy of Science
  • Political Science
  • Criminology

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