Does Proprioceptive Training Intervention Improve Balance Scores in Collegiate Women’s Basketball Players within Six Weeks?

A. Shim, A. Eldridge, Guilherme Cesar, K. Ryan, V. Fiaud

Producción científica: Presentationrevisión exhaustiva


INTRODUCTION: Several attempts have been made through several studies to derive variables that can improve overall balance scores in various sport athletes over the past several years [1,2]. Balance is an even distribution of weight that upholds an individual in the upright position. Proprioception training has been identified as an intervention that improves stability scores which could result in decreased ankle injuries among college athletes who rely on quick movements of the lower limbs. However, there is no current investigation if an intervention on an unstable surface could improve Center of Pressure and Limit of Stability scores in collegiate women basketball athletes?
Idioma originalAmerican English
Número de páginas2
EstadoPublished - sept 2 2022
Evento27th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Sciences - Presented at the CP-APo3 Warm-up/Recovery session, Seville, Spain
Duración: ago 30 2022sept 2 2022


Conference27th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Sciences


  • Sports Sciences

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