Eartha M.M. White Virtual Reality Experience

Beryl White-Bing, Adonnica Toler, Lydia Stewart, Meg Fisher, Susan Swiatosz, Jenn Bibb, Trina McCowan, Kevin Pfeil

Producción científica: Virtual reality / Interactive technology


A virtual reality experience built in QuestBuild featuring the Eartha M.M. White Museum.

The video below is a 360 version of the Eartha M.M. White VR Experience. This version loses the interactive functionality but still offers all of the information. The Eartha M.M. White VR experience tells the story of Northeast Florida native, Eartha M. M. White, a prominent African American female from Jacksonville who founded the Clara White Mission.

The VR narrative biography tells the story of Ms. White's life and all of her accomplishments. It also gives a glimpse into her home and base of operations which is now the Eartha M.M. White Museum located in Jacksonville, FL.


Director and Producer – Beryl White-Bing, Virtual Learning Librarian at the University of North Florida

Associate Producers – Adonnica Toler, Lydia Stewart, Meg Fisher at the Eartha M.M. White Museum

Writer – Susan Swiatosz, Head of Special Collections and University Archives at the University of North Florida

Director of Photography – Jenn Bibb, Coordinator of Special Collections at the University of North Florida

Narrator – Trina McCowan, Assessment Librarian at the University of North Florida

Production Design – Dr. Kevin Pfeil, Asisstant professor in the UNF School of Computing

Production Crew – Steven Drummond, Christopher Clark, VLC Students

Special thanks: to Ju’Coby Pittman, CEO of Clara White Mission and Dr. Brent Mai, Dean of Thomas G. Carpenter Library, University of North Florida for their continued support for this project.

Funding: This project has been funded in part through a 2023 NEFLIN Innovation Project Award.

Idioma originalAmerican English
Medios del resultadoFilm
EstadoPublished - 2023


  • African American Studies
  • History
  • United States History
  • Women's History

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