title = "Experimental analysis of passive bristling in air to enable mako-shark-inspired separation control",
keywords = "Aerodynamic Performance, Aerodynamics, Aerospace Sciences, Boundary Layers, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Experimental Fluid Dynamics, Flow Measurement, Flow Regimes, Fluid Dynamics, Fluid Flow Properties, Skin Friction, Velocimetry, Vortex Dynamics, Wind Tunnels",
author = "Devey, {Sean P.} and Lang, {Amy W.} and Morris, {Jackson A.} and Habegger, {Maria L.} and Huebner, {Jay S.}",
note = "Sean P. Devey, Amy W. Lang, James P. Hubner, Jackson A. Morris and Maria L. Habeggar. {"}Experimental Analysis of Passive Bristling in Air to Enable Mako-Shark-Inspired Separation Control,{"} AIAA 2020-2768. AIAA AVIATION 2020 FORUM. June 2020. https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2020-2768; AIAA AVIATION 2020 FORUM ; Conference date: 15-06-2020 Through 19-06-2020",
year = "2020",
doi = "10.2514/6.2020-2768",
language = "English",