Facebook Use and Academic Performance Among College Students: A Mixed-Methods Study With a Multi-Ethnic Sample

M. Michikyan, Kaveri Subrahmanyam, J. Dennis

Producción científica: Articlerevisión exhaustiva


This paper uses a mixed-methods approach to examine the relation between online academic disclosure and academic performance. A multi-ethnic sample of college students ( N = 261; male = 66; female = 195; M age ≈ 22 years) responded to open-ended questions about their Facebook use. Thematic analysis revealed that over 14% of the Facebook wall posts/status updates ( N = 714) contained academic themes; positive states were more frequent than negative and neutral states and students with lower GPAs expressed negative states more often. A path analysis suggested that academic performance may determine college students’ Facebook use, rather than the reverse. Implications for student support services are discussed.

Idioma originalAmerican English
Páginas (desde-hasta)265-272
Número de páginas8
PublicaciónComputers in Human Behavior
EstadoPublished - abr 2015
Publicado de forma externa


  • Psychology

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