Foundations of Ambulatory Care Nursing: A Guide for Tomorrow's Healthcare Professionals

Producción científica: Book


Discover the fascinating realm of Ambulatory Care Nursing. From the foundations of the practice to complex case management scenarios, this text serves as a critical resource for both novice and seasoned nurses. It carefully outlines essential principles, advanced nursing skills, and current trends in patient-centered care within ambulatory settings. In addition, it explores core topics such as preventive care, wellness promotion, multidisciplinary collaboration, quality improvement, and safety, as well as the role of informatics in ambulatory care. Practical examples, real-world applications, and engaging case studies are woven throughout the text, offering a practical approach to learning. This textbook is a must-have for anyone looking to dive deep into the practice of Ambulatory Care Nursing and gain the knowledge and expertise required to excel in this specialized field.
Idioma originalAmerican English
Lugar de publicaciónJacksonville, Florida
EstadoPublished - ago 2023


  • Nursing
  • Other Nursing

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