Next-Generation Education

Producción científica: Website or online resource


In the dynamic realm of healthcare education, integrating Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) into the “Ambulatory Nursing Care” course signifies a monumental shift. This journey began with an AI-aided outline, crafting a curriculum enriched with aligned objectives, comprehensive modules, and an extensive textbook. Intricately designed components, including key terms, case studies, and reflective questions, were aimed to foster critical thinking and real-world application. A distinctive innovation was the AI-simulated telephone triage, an immersive assignment where students interact with an AI ‘patient’. This simulation was more than practice; it was a deep dive into the unpredictable nature of patient care, encouraging students to embody empathy, adaptability, and critical thinking. These interactions refined their communication and decision-making skills in a controlled yet dynamic environment. This initiative highlighted AI’s transformative potential in education. It showcased AI’s role not as a mere tool but as an enabler – enhancing the learning experience, fostering deep understanding, and preparing students for the complexities of healthcare. Creating “Ambulatory Nursing Care” was not just about employing technology; it was about pioneering a new approach in nursing education. This course stands as a testament to the innovative possibilities of AI in fostering an interactive, empathetic, and effective learning environment, preparing students to excel in a rapidly evolving healthcare landscape.
Idioma originalAmerican English
EstadoPublished - ene 5 2024


  • Nursing
  • Other Nursing

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