Post-graduate Interprofessional Series (IPES): Insights from Dietetics Interns

Kristen K Hicks-Roof, Raine Osborne, D. McInnes, S. Bush, J. Osborne, T. Harrison, M. Braun, J. Quartano

Producción científica: Meeting abstractrevisión exhaustiva


Learning Outcome
Describe dietetic interns' perspectives on interprofessional competencies.

Research outcome
To determine the effect of a post-graduate virtual interprofessional education (IPE) program on Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) sub-competencies.

A pre-post program design was used to measure changes in understanding and confidence of interprofessional collaborations. Post-graduate learners (n=57), including residents in family medicine (MD) and physical therapy (PT), fellows in occupational therapy (OT), and dietetic interns (RD), participated in 5 interactive virtual sessions focused on role understanding and communication in healthcare. Pre-post surveys including sixteen statements from IPEC competencies were assessed. Analysis: Descriptive statistics, paired sample t-tests, and independent-samples Kruskal-Wallis test were used to compare changes across disciplines.

The only competency that resulted in significant changes across and within all disciplines was ‘explain how the team works together to provide care’ (p=<.001). All other residents and fellows, excluding RDs, saw significant increases in ‘convince others of the value of working in interprofessional teams’. RDs significantly reported higher confidence in ‘respect the unique perspectives of other health professions’ compared to their peers. At baseline, RDs reported higher confidence in five sub-competencies compared to other disciplines: however, post-evaluation scores showed no measurable differences.

A virtual IPE program can provide exposure to other disciplines to learn about role responsibility and communication across health professions. Dietetic interns, the post-graduate learners with the least post-graduate clinical experience, consistently rated themselves higher on the IPEC sub-competencies. Further research is needed in post-graduate learners to investigate the relationship between the level of clinical experience and confidence in interprofessional collaboration.
Idioma originalAmerican English
Páginas (desde-hasta)A59
PublicaciónJournal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
EstadoPublished - 2021
EventoFood & Nutrition Conference & Expo - Virtual Event
Duración: oct 16 2021oct 19 2021


  • Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition

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