Power to the Librarians: Lessons Learned from Union Work

Héléne Huet, Maria Atilano, Angeleen Neely-Sardon, Chelsea Nesvig

Producción científica: Presentationrevisión exhaustiva


For this virtual presentation, librarians will discuss our roles in our respective unions as well as our experiences with both collective bargaining and organizing our workplaces. We will offer tips on effective bargaining / organizing strategies in our workplaces. We will also discuss significant bargaining / organizing failures and explore what we can learn from these setbacks.
Idioma originalAmerican English
EstadoPublished - mar 17 2023
EventoACRL 2023 Conference - Pittsburgh, Pa.
Duración: mar 15 2023mar 18 2023


ConferenceACRL 2023 Conference
Título abreviadoACRL 2023
CiudadPittsburgh, Pa.


  • Higher Education
  • Library and Information Science

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