Presented at the 1995 ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences - the 11th Biennial Conference on Reliability, Stress Analysis, and Failure Prevention, the 9th International Conference on Design Theory and Methodology, the JSME Symposium on Design and Production, Mechanical Design Education and History, the Computer Integrated Concurrent Design Conference, September 17-20, 1995, Boston, Massachusetts

D. J. Inman, Osama M. Jadaan

Producción científica: Proceedingsrevisión exhaustiva


ConferenceASME 1995 Design Engineering Technical Conferences, DETC 1995, collocated with the ASME 1995 15th International Computers in Engineering Conference and the ASME 1995 9th Annual Engineering Database Symposium
País/TerritorioUnited States


  • Software Engineering
  • Engineering Physics
  • Engineering

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