Program Model: Finals Week Pet Grams

Maria Atilano, Tanner Lewey

Producción científica: Program model


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many academic libraries were faced with the challenge of supporting academic success while most students were off-campus and taking online classes. Many outreach librarians turned to virtual programming.

Pet Grams were developed as a way to reach out and connect virtually with patrons, no matter their location. The main outcome for Pet Grams is to share kindness and motivation during a stressful time in the semester, especially for students but also for other community members who may also need support.

Originally published in the Programming Librarian website. 

Idioma originalAmerican English
TipoLibrary program
Medios del resultadoWebsite of the ALA Public Programs Office
Lugar de publicaciónProgramming Librarian website
EstadoPublished - abr 19 2022


  • Library and Information Science

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