Recovering Local African American History: A Hands-On Workshop

Tru Leverette Hall, David Jamison, Clayton McCarl, Susan Swiatosz, Janaya Ferrer

Producción científica: Presentation


A hands-on digital editing workshop to foster academic-community collaboration, practical experience for the audience in transcription for digital projects, and exposure of the audience to Eartha M.M. White—a Jacksonville-born humanitarian, philanthropist, and businesswoman. The workshop will introduce the audience to the Eartha M.M. White’s papers, held in the Special Collections and University Archives of the University of North Florida Thomas G. Carpenter Library. The extensive collection is in the process of being digitized and published online, and audience members will contribute to these efforts through transcribing documents in the collection.
Idioma originalAmerican English
EstadoPublished - sept 22 2023
EventoASALH 108th Annual Conference - Jacksonville, FL
Duración: sept 20 2023sept 24 2023


ConferenceASALH 108th Annual Conference
Título abreviadoAssociation for the Study of African American Life and History 108th Annual Conference
CiudadJacksonville, FL
Dirección de internet

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