Stop, Collaborate and Listen

Lisandra R Carmichael, Maria Atilano, Cat Silvers

Producción científica: Workshop


Libraries are under pressure to demonstrate their value within their educational institutions and in their communities. The University of North Florida is in the process of a rebranding project to update its image and to address concerns including student success, retention, and time to degree. The presenters will propose skills to strengthen library relevance that are applicable to all libraries by using three simple steps: 
  1) STOP - Evaluate where you are. Assess your current practices and determine areas for improvement. 
  2) COLLABORATE - Identify opportunities for partnerships with organizations or groups whose goals align with yours. 
  3) LISTEN - Garner feedback from users via social media and other platforms such as surveys and user interactions. 
Presenters will demonstrate how librarians can incorporate these three steps into their library's marketing and outreach plan to help ensure that their library will remain relevant within their changing community for years to come.

Workshop made for NEFLIN, August 12, 2015.
Idioma originalAmerican English
EstadoPublished - ago 12 2015


  • Library and Information Science

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