Takeaways in Creating an Online Introductory Research Course Using Student-Centered Pedagogy

Producción científica: Poster


Student-centered pedagogy is “an instructional approach in which students influence the content, activities, materials, and the pace of learning” (Collins & O'Brien, 2003, pp. 338-339). The constructs of student-centered pedagogy include voice, choice, competency-based progression, and the instructor’s continuous check-ins to track their students’ wants and needs (Green & Harrington; 2020; Harrington & DeBruler, 2019). This poster presentation will focus on the author’s incorporation of voice and choice into the design of an LIS 1001 Introductory undergraduate online library research course.
Idioma originalAmerican English
EstadoPublished - mar 17 2023
EventoACRL 2023 Conference - Pittsburgh, Pa.
Duración: mar 15 2023mar 18 2023


ConferenceACRL 2023 Conference
Título abreviadoACRL 2023
CiudadPittsburgh, Pa.


  • Library and Information Science

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