The Children’s Digital Media Center @ LA

Producción científica: Entry for encyclopedia/dictionary


The Children’s Digital Media Center @ Los Angeles studies young people’s interactions with digital media – with a focus on the implications of these interactions for their offline lives and long-term development. Founded by Professor Patricia Greenfield, Distinguished Professor at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), USA, the Center is a collaborative effort of researchers at the UCLA and the California State University, Los Angeles, USA. CDMC@LA researchers have been at the forefront of research on children’s and adolescents’ use of media ranging from early media forms such as television and video games to more recent ones including various applications on the Internet such as chat rooms, social networking sites, and YouTube. This entry presents an overview of the Center – its history, researchers and collaborators, research focus, and major contributions.
Idioma originalAmerican English
Título de la publicación alojadaEncyclopedia of Cyber Behavior
EditoresZheng Yan
Lugar de publicaciónHershey, PA
EditorialIGI Global
Número de páginas13
ISBN (versión digital)978-1-4666-0316-5
ISBN (versión impresa)9781466603158
EstadoPublished - 2012
Publicado de forma externa


  • Social and Behavioral Sciences
  • Psychology

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