The Instruction Request Podcast: OneSearch & Gravity Sketch V Episode 2

Producción científica: Blog / Podcast


In episode 2 of the Instruction Request Podcast, Beryl White-Bing, the Virtual Learning Librarian, and Lauren Odom, the Instruction Librarian, discuss the projects and initiatives that are happening in the Instruction Unit. They recount the LIFTS (Library Instruction for Transfer Success) Open House held August 22, 2024, Librarian Open Office Hours, and the Ready for Research Badge. Lauren talks about OneSearch, our primary catalog for all library materials, and explains how to navigate from the library webpage to search for resources. Beryl and Lauren then discuss the various projects and initiatives that are happening in the Virtual Learning Center. Beryl explains the acquisition of a new Virtual Reality experience called Gravity Sketch, a 3-D graphic design platform that allows for collaboration in VR.

On the Next episode, Beryl and Lauren discuss the research question of the day, changes to a popular research platform, and the Eartha White Experience available in the VLC.

Idioma originalAmerican English
Medios del resultadoOnline
EstadoPublished - oct 2 2024
EventoInstruction Request Podcast (UNF) - Thomas G. Carpenter Library, University of North Florida
Duración: sept 16 2024 → …

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