Why are the librarians doing a podcast?

Producción científica: Blog / Podcast


In this first episode of the Instruction Request Podcast, Beryl White-Bing, the Virtual Learning Librarian, talks about what the viewer or listener can expect from the broadcast. On each biweekly podcast, Beryl and Lauren Odom, the Instruction Librarian, will discuss Library resources and frequently asked questions from faculty, staff, and students that come up during library instruction or the library chat service. Plus, Beryl describes the Virtual Learning Center and where the VLC acquires most of its VR experiences. This episode also includes a brief view of the Library's homepage and the VLC's VR Library on Steam.

On the Next episode, Beryl and Lauren discuss the research question of the day, the Library catalog, Onesearch and Beryl talks about 3D and graphic design VR experiences available in the VLC.

Idioma originalAmerican English
EstadoPublished - sept 16 2024

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